Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish,
Several weeks ago, a horrendous act of violence was displayed in Butler, Pennsylvania. The deafening noise from this event has clogged not only our ears but our hearts, souls and minds as well and has rattled our foundational values and beliefs as Christians. We are called to discern the events with the vision of Jesus Christ and the rich traditions and teachings of our Church. Violence and hate are NOT part of the vision and teachings.
May the following prayer from the Catholic Health Association help us to heal and refocus on our faith tradition:
“Our God will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)
God who is beyond politics and nations,
Christ who transcends the power of violence,
Holy Spirit who animates all people,
Be with us in this moment of violence, division, and turmoil.
Transform our rage and hate
that we might see our brothers and sisters with your eyes.
Break our hearts of stone, give us hearts of love
and understanding that your peace might prevail.
Pray for the wounded and the killed. Pray that any spirit of retribution would be transformed by love. Pray for all of us.
Peace and blessings!
Fr. George Couturier