Administrative Ministries

Learn about how community members steward the temporal needs of parish life.

Building and Grounds Committee
Prioritizes our parish maintenance needs, assists in finding contractors and parishioner help and plans renovations, repairs and overall  maintenance of all parish properties.
Contact:  Fr. George, Pastor

Pastoral Council
The prayerful visioning body of the Church that shepherds the strategic plan from vision to execution.  Members serve for 2-3 year terms. Learn more
Contact:  Fr. George, Pastor

Finance Council
A consultative body in the area of finance with the responsibility of advising the pastor on stewardship, parish budget, fundraising and the annual report.
Contact:  Fr. George, Pastor

Health and Safety Committee
Ensure that plans and procedures are in place for the health and safety of our parish community when gathered together on our parish properties.
Contact: Kasey Harding, chairperson

Liturgy  Committee
Helps ensure the sacramental and spiritual needs of our parishioners are met through excellent liturgy and other prayer experiences.
Contact:  Fr. George, Pastor