Adult Faith Formation
This Lent,
Deacon Michael
will lead an
Adult Education Series called:
People of the Passion
Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 PM
Saint Elizabeth Seton Campus - Classrooms E & F
March 12, 19, 26
April 2, 9, 16
and online
Wednesday Mornings at 10:00 AM
Saint James Parish Center
March 12, 19, 26
April 2, 9, 16
The Passion, “what happened” to Christ, in the last days of his life is the most familiar and dramatic of stories for Christians. During these days we see the highs and lows of our human nature on display. Some are overcome with hopelessness that leads to despair; others are filled with courage that leads to heroism. Still, others exhibit a wide range of responses that reveal their character: trust, generosity, steadfastness, cowardice, greed, and pride.At Christmas we recall what Christians understand as the turning point in human history, the very start of the Lord’s sojourn among us “for us and our salvation,” the start of the events that give us so much to hope for in this life and beyond.
During our Lenten bible study we will look at the passion through the characters who participated in some dramatic way in the suffering and death of the Lord. Well-known characters include Peter, Pilate, and Mary Magdalen; lesser-known include Simon of Cyrene, the daughters of Jerusalem, and the woman who anointed Jesus.
Join us as we seek to enliven and deepen our faith…and our experience of the Passion and its climate triumph as the culmination of our Lenten journey at Easter!
Registration is required for:
ordering of required book ($10 book fee payable at the first session)
access to the on-line option described below.
The series begins on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Two identical sessions are offered each week at 10:00 AM at Saint James Parish Center and then again at 7:00 PM at St. Elizabeth Seton Church. It will be possible to join the 7:00 PM evening session online as well, via Google Meet (please indicate interest at registration to help us plan).
To register please email Deacon Michael at
All are welcome….even friends and family that do not belong to the parish!