Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish,
If you are like me there are times when I fail to see the prize and the joy that is right before my eyes. Sometimes I search for happiness in all the wrong places. It seems to me that Jesus is trying to help us to figure out, in this weekend’s Gospel (John 6:24-35), how to deal with this dilemma.
Like the crowd in the Gospel, we all have a huge hunger, but we rarely name our hunger correctly. We may say to ourselves, “The emptiness I feel inside can be filled up, and pangs I experience inside can be relieved if I get just the right friends, just the right look, just the right connections, just the right reputation, just the right climate and place, just the right stuff.”
So, we go for it all, and we get it all: the friends, the reputation, the look, the connections…all the stuff. And we are shocked, we find that we are still hungry. The pangs and the emptiness are still there. So, we get more creative and try again and again. But the outcome is still the same: still hungry and still thirsty.
Is this all we can expect of the few decades of life that are given to each of us? Perpetual hunger and restlessness? Jesus says “no!” Jesus says that he himself will fill us with life. Not only can Jesus do it, but he also wants to do it. So why doesn’t he do it, right now? Why doesn’t he move in and fill us up? Because he has given us control over our own inner gates. We alone can open them---by our faith.
And so, the key that opens the gate is faith which is ultimately a relationship, a bonding between us and the Lord, a bonding that comes out of our lived experience of God’s graciousness. So, if you search for delight, gratitude, and faith, it is nothing more than speaking from the heart these words: “Lord, I entrust myself to you with total confidence, because I know I can count on your love.” The moment we say that and let God into the core of our being, we will be hungry and thirsty, restless and empty no longer.
So, listen to the message that your own life is speaking to you: “God loves you a lot, even more than you love yourself.” And respond from the heart in the only way that makes any sense: “Lord, I know that you love me, and I entrust my life to you.” See the prize and the joy that unfolds over time…. that was always right before your eyes.
Peace and blessings!
Fr. George Couturier