February 18, 2025

Winter News from Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish

February 18, 2025

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish,

In this weekend’s Gospel Luke 6: 27-38 we hear the sayings of Jesus that tell us in no uncertain words that we are to love our enemies (all those who do not think as we do nor live as we do). Ouch, that stings a bit!

Jesus goes on to say that we are to do good to those who curse us and pray for those who maltreat us. In fact, we are to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile and if someone steals your shirt give him or her your coat as well! We are to treat others just as we would hope that they would treat us.

Well, you may be tempted to say that it just does not work…or that teaching is just out of date. All this is just impossible. How can we love those who refuse to love us in return? How can we love people whom we do not even like?

Jesus would tell us that loving is not just a matter of feelings. It is also a matter of doing, a matter of action. When you think and pray about it, we can be kind to others instead of trying to get even. We can offer forgiveness instead of becoming bitter and resentful. We can always pray for those who treat us unfairly. Certainly, we can show good example by what we say and do. We are to be doers of His word and not just those who hear it. What do they say today? “You have to walk the talk”.

Peace and blessings!

Fr. George Couturier

The Seventh Sunday

in Ordinary Time

February 23, 2025

4:00 PM Vigil at Saint James

9 AM at Saint Elizabeth Seton

& livestreamed

11:00 AM at Saint James

Save the Dates!

Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish

Vacation Bible Camp

June 23 - 27, 2025

Campers entering Kindergarten - Grade 6

Teen Volunteers entering Grades 7-12

Adult Volunteers of all ages!

Volunteers Needed! Please join us for an informational/planning meeting this coming Sunday, February 23, 2025 at Noon in Father Shea Hall at St. James Church.

Registration coming soon! If you have any questions and/or would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities, contact Lisa Torneo at biblecamp@sjbrh.org.

Mardi Gras Celebration

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

6:00 - 8:00 PM

St. James Parish Center

Join us for games, music, dancing and a potluck dinner to celebrate Mardi Gras! We will provide the traditional pancakes, you bring a potluck dish to share!

Call Joy at 860-529-8655 for more info or to volunteer to help!

There are signup sheets and suggested recipes in both church foyers and on SignUpGenuis.

Click Here To Sign Up To Attend

This Lent, Deacon Michael will lead an Adult Bible Study called: People of the Passion

During our Lenten bible study we will look at the passion through the characters who participated in some dramatic way in the suffering and death of the Lord. Well-known characters include Peter, Pilate, and Mary Magdalen; lesser-known include Simon of Cyrene, the daughters of Jerusalem, and the woman who anointed Jesus.

The series begins on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Two identical sessions are offered each week at 10:00 AM at Saint James Parish Center and then again at 7:00 PM at St. Elizabeth Seton Church. It will be possible to join the 7:00 PM evening session online as well, via Google Meet (please indicate interest at registration to help us plan). Register to attend by emailing Deacon Michael at: saintjmdeacon@gmail.com.

Learn More Here

Saint Josephine Bakhita Faith Sharing Group

All are welcome to join the Saint Josephine Bahkita Faith Sharing Group. Our next meeting will be Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 10:00-11:30 AM at St. Elizabeth Seton Church. This group grew out of our parish Awakening retreat in November 2024. At our meetings we start with a presentation of a gift of the Holy Spirit and then we break into small groups to share how the Holy Spirit is working in our lives. A main focus is how we keep the Holy Spirit as an active component of our everyday life. For additional information, please contact Michael Lonergan at 860-638-7080 at Mikelonergan53108@sbcglobal.net.

Men's Retreat Weekend

February 21-23, 2025

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center

Men of the parish are invited to attend the upcoming men’s parish weekend retreat at Holy Family Retreat Center in West Hartford. Our weekend is scheduled for Feb 21-23 this year, but many other weekends are also available through early June.


If you have been to any of the past Holy Family evening or weekend events, you are aware of the rich spiritual programs, good liturgies and music, excellent food and private accommodations. The 40 hours of peace and participation is a real treat. The return rate for future programs is over 80%!


If you are curious or still interested, you can learn more and register here: holyfamilyretreat.org/themed-retreats.


Check out the Retreat Resources and the FAQ links on the bottom of the opening page! Even easier, you can contact Bob Manzi with any questions at 860 502-5097.


Requested Offering: $350, but they emphasize more if you can, less if you can't. Please do not allow finances to prevent your decision to attend. Scholarships grants are available. See Fr. George or call Bob Manzi to learn more.

Winter Clothing Collection

Support the Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish Winter Clothing Collection. We accept clothing in clean, good to excellent condition. Place donations in the collection bin in the front foyer of St. James Church (behind the divider). Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept household goods.

The Knights Will Take

the Penguins Plunge Again!

March 15, 2025

For the last several years members of our Knights of Columbus Council have committed to Special Olympics Annual Penguin Plunge. A chilling adventure to say the least! Might you want to “Dip Your Do Too"? 

Our “Penguins in the Knights” of Columbus Council 10651 are seeking young and old Penguin Participants” (Wet ones) and “Team Sponsors”! (Warm ones)!

Last year, only Willie and Mike became “BRIEFLY” wet, yet we all raised over $2,000 for their charity’s works. Wet or dry, you can help and we will welcome your support!

Click Here To Support The Knights Plunge

Celebrate St Patrick's Day With Us!

St Patrick’s Day Dinner

Join the Knights of Columbus for our annual St Patrick’s Day celebration featuring a traditional corned beef dinner with all the fixings and dessert.


Saturday, March 15

4:00 - 7:00 PM

St James Parish Center


Tickets on sale February 15 - March 9. Take out dinners will be available. Adults: $20.00 - Children (under 12): $12.00

Family Special (2 adults & 2 children (under 12):  $52.00

 Note: NO tickets at the door


For more info call Dave 860-726-3585.

Daily Mass

Mon-8:30AM @ Seton

Tues-8:00AM @ St. James

Thur-8:00AM @ St. James

Fri-8:30AM @ Seton

Evening Prayer

Fr. George leads evening prayer Monday - Friday at 5:00 PM on our parish Facebook Page. All are welcome!


Fr. George welcomes all to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM at St. Elizabeth Seton.

Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish

Rectory Office

on the campus of St. James Church

767 Elm Street, Rocky Hill


Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Read the Parish Bulletin
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Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish l The Catholic Community of Rocky Hill

Lisa Orchen