Ignoring the truth is something of a specialty for us all. And nowhere is it more visible than at the very ground level of our lives, where certain facts demand our attention: we are born, we work hard, then we die and leave it all behind. All we can take with us is our heart and whatever is wrapped inside it. Those are the hard facts: we are truly poor.
But looking at those facts is no tea party, so we tend to look away. We insulate ourselves from the truth with lots of stuff and lots of activities.
Maybe it sounds a bit goofy and fatalistic, but that is what we do: we hide from the obvious facts and deny that we are poor. And that usually leads us to trouble: it cuts us off from the only one that could make us rich, the only one that could give us hearts that are big enough to carry into eternity everything that is worth having. Denying we are poor cuts us off from God because it says we already have everything we need, and we do not need him!
In the best translation of the first of the eight beatitudes (Luke 16:17-26), Jesus says, “Blessed are you who know you are poor; the kingdom of God is yours.” If we know we are poor (I’m not just talking about money), if we see how much our hearts need God’s healing, reshaping, and growing, then we will know what to do about it, and that is open our hearts all the way to the Lord who is been waiting to come in since the day we were born.
God wants to make us rich and to fill us full of the things that last. God wants to grow our hearts large.
Peace and blessings!
Fr. George Couturier