Special Collections

Community members and participants in our faith formation programs host special collections throughout the year. Some examples include:

  • Souper Bowl of Caring

  • Special Lent Giving Collection

  • Easter Baskets

  • Thanksgiving Food Baskets

  • Advent Giving Collection

  • Sweet Treats & Warm Feet

The collected items are distributed to several local agencies we partner with to support those in need in Rocky Hill and our surrounding communities.

Thanksgiving Food Collection ~ 2023

Every November Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish collects baskets for four to six people.  Rocky Hill Human services assigns families after the baskets are received.  A “basket” can be any container from a decorated cardboard box to some canvas grocery bags.  Baskets may contain food for several meals not just Thanksgiving dinner. 

We also collect grocery store gift certificates which Rocky Hill Human Services will add to the baskets when they are distributed.

Easter Food Collection ~ 2025

Easter Baskets

Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish will be collecting Easter food “baskets” for families within our community on the weekend of April 12-13, 2025 so that they can be delivered before Easter. Rocky Hill Human Services is asking for "generic" baskets for families of four to six people.

If you would like to donate a basket, please sign up on the sheet located in the Foyer of either church so we know how many to plan for. If we get enough, some will also be donated to The Catholic Worker in Hartford.

Please bring your basket (any container is acceptable as long as it looks nice) to the Rectory garage at Saint Elizabeth Seton or Father Shea Hall at Saint James on Saturday afternoon or Sunday Morning. A list of suggested items is available to help you with your shopping. Please do not include perishable foods. People will be given gift certificates to use for their fresh foods.

During this weekend we will also be collecting grocery store gift certificates which Rocky Hill Human Services will add to the baskets when they are distributed. Please bring the gift certificates to Mass April 12-13, 2025 and place them in the collection basket.


Advent Giving 2022

Thank You Everyone!

Thanks to the gracious giving from so many people as well as our relationships within Rocky Hill and throughout the greater Hartford area, our parish was able to touch the lives of hundreds in need. What started out as a Circle of Life campaign with donations geared towards the needs of Birthright of Greater Hartford, Solnit Children's Center in Middletown, The Friendship Service Center in New Britain, and a Memory Care facility in Rocky Hill, expanded to an even greater outreach through our relationships with St. Anne/Immaculate Conception Parish and St. Augustine Church in Hartford, The Hartford International University of Religion and Peace, as well as four nursing, rehab & memory care facilities (Mapleview Manor, Apple Rehab, the Atrium in Rocky Hill, and Middlewoods of Newington). 

 Here are just a few of the donation highlights:

200 young mothers in the greater Hartford area were provided 1,000+ diapers, 100 infant/baby articles of clothing and boxes and boxes of wipes.
85 families in New Britain, who otherwise would have not had any Christmas gifts, were provided items ranging from hats and gloves, to sets of dishes, pots and pans and coffee makers.
100+ struggling teens in the Middletown area were provided beautiful Welcome Kits, games, puzzles, Lego sets and books.
50 plus memory care residents were delighted to receive large print puzzle books, calendars and lap blankets. 

We were also blessed with assistance from Sharon Reynolds and her faith formation students at Christ the King Parish in Wethersfield who assisted us in collecting and delivering toys to the Hartford Area for Christmas and 3 Kings Day celebration. 

A special note of appreciation to our Faith Formation Team for their efforts above and beyond in pulling this project together.

Again THANK YOU and God Bless you for your overwhelming generosity.

Carl Bach
Parish Outreach Coordinator


Advent Giving 2022 Gallery

Thanksgiving Giving 2021 & 2022