Saint Josephine Bakhita Confirmation Candidates

Proudly Sponsor the 2024 Souper Bowl of Caring
February 10-11, 2024

In 1990, Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group:

“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.”

Since then, more than $150 million has been generated for local charities across the country through participation in the Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that transforms the time around the Big Game from one where 30 second commercials cost over 5 million dollars and a single ticket to the game costs over $3,000 to one of celebration of giving and caring.

Our Confirmation Preparation Program has a long standing tradition of participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring.

In 2024, the teams were ready, the bags were filled, and the students, teachers, & parents came to play.  And play they did!  While the students went head-to-head on a test of knowledge, Jenga for Jesus, and soup pot toss game, the volunteers totaled the food items and soup pot donations.

The Super Bowl may have gone into overtime but so did our parents and volunteers who realized we were over $100 short of our $4,000 goal.  So, they opened up their hearts and wallets to throw in the extra money to get us to a grand total of $4,012. 

None of that would be possible without the generous parishioner donations who filled those soup pots the students held after Mass.  In addition, the students and their families brought in 1,676 food items that will be distributed to local food pantries and organizations that feed the hungry. 

The Year 1 Candidates squeaked out a victory to claim this year’s trophy, but everyone knew the real winners were everyone they will be helping with their donations.  Thank you, Team Bakhita!

Huge cheer of thanks to our awesome catechists who led the students thru the day’s activities!

100% of every dollar goes directly to prepare and serve homeless shelter and soup kitchen meals as well as replenishing needed items at area food pantries.



Souper Bowl of Caring 2023 Gallery of Memories