Monthly Food & Cereal Drives

We collect non-perishable groceries, cereal boxes, canned goods, snack food and gift cards to grocery stores all year long. During the third week of the month the cereal is delivered to Amazing Grace Food Pantry in Middletown to fulfill our parish pledge to donate 200 boxes of cereal every month. Other groceries are shared with the Rocky Hill Food Pantry.

Items most needed:
Bottled water
Crystal Light Singles (for bottled water)
Bumble Bee Snack on the Run
Capri Sun juice pouches
Beef Jerky / Slim Jim
Fruit cups
Granola bars
Protein bars
Nutri-Grain bars / breakfast bars
Snack box size/Individually wrapped:
Hostess cupcakes, pies, donuts, honey buns
Breakfast muffins
Assorted potato chips
Peanut butter / Cheese Crackers
Chex Mix
Trail Mix
Welch’s fruit snacks
Pringles (variety, small cans)

We welcome volunteers to contribute to the food collections, help sort donations and transport the donations to the local food pantries.

For more information on how to participate in this fulfilling ministry, please contact Carl Bach at 860-882-9174.