Knights of Columbus Council 10651
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization for men to offer service to the parish, be faithful citizens in the community, and conduct lives of charity, unity and fraternity. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner
Join the Knights of Columbus for our annual Saint Patrick’s Day Celebration featuring a traditional corned beef dinner with all the fixings and dessert!
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Saint James Parish Center
4:00 - 7:00 PM
Tickets on sale February 15 - March 9, 2025 after all of the masses.
Take out dinners will be available
Adults: $20.00 - Children (under 12): $12.00 - Family Special (2 adults & 2 children (under 12): $52.00
Note: NO tickets at the door
For more info: Call Dave 860-726-3585
Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner 2025
The Knights of Columbus Take The Plunge for Special Olympics!
Help The Knights of Columbus Support Special Olympics Connecticut!
Special Olympics Connecticut provides opportunities to more than 10,000 athletes and Unified Sports® partners to train and compete in 27 Olympic-type sports and participate in four annual state games.
Join the Knights of Columbus in our fundraising efforts to support the mission of Special Olympics Connecticut! There are two ways to join in on our fun: join our team, helps us to raise funds, and plunge with us in person! Or you can join our team, help our team to raise funds, and "plunge with us" virtually!
Sixth Annual Golf Outing
Friday, September 20, 2024
Timberlin Golf Club, Berlin CT
Lunch/Registration at 11:00AM
Scramble Format
Shotgun Start at 12:30 PM
Buffet Dinner to follow
$150 per golfer includes 18 holes of golf w/cart, lunch and buffet dinner, access to driving range, sleeve of golf balls, cash prizes, raffle prizes.
$55 dinner only
For more information, contact Mike Lombardo at 860-869-2231 or Mike DiBattisto at 860-713-9070.
Golf Tournament 2024
Golf Tournament 2023
Golf Tournament 2022
2024 Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner
2023 Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner
Knights of Columbus Receive Star Council Award
Our Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish Knights of Columbus Council 10651 has received the distinction of Star Council, the international organization’s top award for local councils. The Star Council Award recognizes overall excellence in the areas of membership, sponsorship of faith formation programs and service-orientated activities. Our local Council supported the following activities this past year:
-Donated $500 to each of three seminarians
-Donated $500 to Laboure Society for religious vocation tuition
-Donated 50 rosaries to the Confirmation candidates
-Provided ~2,400 sandwiches to St Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen
-Managed the kitchen for the Holiday Fair
-Sold 108 Palm Crosses for cemetery remembrance
-Donated $504 for 24 new coats for children in need
-Provided 600 bags of assorted candies and word puzzles for the Prison Ministry
-Provided 120 dinners to St Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen
-Donated $1100 to homeless shelters
-Donated $1800 to Greater Middletown Special Olympics
-Donated $200 to A Better Choice Women’s Pregnancy Center
-Donated $1000 to Ukraine Family Relief
-Provided ~200 Brian bags (~4800 toiletry items at $900 cost) for people with special needs
The money to fund these services came from the fundraising we do and our own personal donations.
The Knights are actively looking for new members. If you are interested in joining us at the Knights of Columbus, we welcome you. Please contact Grand Knight David Mikol.
Learn more about the Knights of Columbus here.