March 11, 2025

Welcome to Lent at Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish

March 11, 2025

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish,

I am so very happy to announce this year’s recipients of the Saint Joseph Medal representing Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish. This Sunday, March 16, 2025, at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph Lori and Gil Andrada will receive this honor from Archbishop Christopher Coyne. The Medal Ceremony is an annual event that honors and recognizes the extraordinary service given so generously to our parish and the Church at large. They have been very active in the spiritual and religious life of the parish by their participation in music ministry, Eucharistic Ministry, religious formation, hospitality, etc. Bravo and gratitude!!

On March 15, 2025, both Michael D’Amore and Billy Pilkington will once again participate in the Annual event called “Penguin Plunge” which raises funds for Special Olympics. They both bravely and generously plunge into the icy waters of a local lake and take pledges to support their awesome efforts. Prayers will be welcomed as well.

Finally, and most importantly, I invite all to participate in the many opportunities for prayer and sacraments and events during this Lenten season. Even more importantly, take time to stop and pray and reflect and breathe in the renewing spirit of this holy season. Always with an eye to the Glory and Renewal of the Easter Season that follows. The pillars of this season are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Wishing you a blessed Lent!

Fr. George Couturier

Click Here to See All We Have Planned for Lent

March 16, 2025

4:00 PM at Saint James

9:00 AM at Saint Elizabeth Seton

& livestreamed

11:00 AM at Saint James

Lent Prayer & Devotions

Pray the Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross invite us to use all our senses as we reflect prayerfully and walk intentionally with Jesus through his suffering, death on the cross and resurrection. Here are some of the ways available: 

Attend the Stations of the Cross

Friday Evenings

5:30PM at St. James

7:00pm at St. Elizabeth Seton

Lent Taizé Prayer Service

Sunday, March 23

7:00 PM at St. James

& livestreamed

Learn More Here

Daily Mass

Mon-8:30AM @ Seton

Tues-8:00AM @ St. James

Thur-8:00AM @ St. James

Fri-8:30AM @ Seton

Evening Prayer

Fr. George leads evening prayer Monday - Friday at 5:00 PM on our parish Facebook Page. All are welcome!


Fr. George welcomes all to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM at St. Elizabeth Seton.

Lent Almsgiving

Please take home a CRS Rice Bowl located in the vestibules of both churches starting the first weekend in Lent.

Please bring back your rice bowl when churches are open for weekend masses. Kindly return them no later than the weekend after Easter (April 26 & 27). There will be greeters to accept your rice bowl donations.

Thank you for changing lives this Lent!

Other Fun Tidbits

Celebrate St Patrick's Day With Us!

St Patrick’s Day Dinner

Join the Knights of Columbus for our annual St Patrick’s Day celebration featuring a traditional corned beef dinner with all the fixings and dessert.


Saturday, March 15

4:00 - 7:00 PM

St James Parish Center


Tickets on sale February 15 - March 9. Take out dinners will be available. Adults: $20.00 - Children (under 12): $12.00

Family Special (2 adults & 2 children (under 12):  $52.00

 Note: NO tickets at the door


For more info call Dave 860-726-3585.

Help The Knights of Columbus Support Special Olympics CT!

Join the Knights of Columbus in our fundraising in support of Special Olympics Connecticut! There are two ways to join in on our fun: join our team, helps us to raise funds, and plunge with us in person! Or you can join our team, help our team to raise funds, and "plunge with us" virtually!

Sponsor Us Here

Palm Crosses for Sale

The Knights of Columbus will be taking orders for Palm Crosses after every Mass at the St. James & St. Elizabeth Seton campuses starting on Saturday, March 8 through Sunday, March 30. Palm crosses will be available for pick up after every mass on Palm Sunday. The cost of the palm crosses is $13. Please contact David Mikol at (860) 726-3585 with any questions.

Monthly Food Collection

Support our ongoing food and cereal collections for our monthly delivery to the Rocky Hill and Amazing Grace food pantries. Non-perishable food items and cereal boxes can be dropped off at either church location: St. James Church: Father Shea Hall, Mon - Fri (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) or before the masses at 4:00 or 11:00. St. Elizabeth Seton Church: Bins located near the kitchen, Mon - Fri (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) or before the Sunday mass at 9:00.

Our Mardi Gras Celebration was so much fun. Enjoy a gallery of photos taken by Tom Dzimian here!

Click Here To See the Pics

Saint Josephine Bakhita Faith Sharing Group

All are welcome to join the Saint Josephine Bahkita Faith Sharing Group. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of the Month in the month of April, May and June. We meet from 10:00-11:30 AM at St. Elizabeth Seton Church. This group grew out of our parish Awakening retreat in November 2024. At our meetings we start with a presentation of a gift of the Holy Spirit and then we break into small groups to share how the Holy Spirit is working in our lives. A main focus is how we keep the Holy Spirit as an active component of our everyday life. For additional information, please contact Michael Lonergan at 860-638-7080 at

The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal helps provide the critical funding needed to feed the hungry, shelter the unhoused, counsel those in despair, offer much-needed assistance to the unemployed, and make medical care available to those without health insurance. Your gift to the 2025 Appeal will help to continue these and other vital ministries, services, and programs that reach out to so many in need.

All funds contributed to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal are used exclusively for the purposes outlined in the Appeal literature, which can be found here. No Appeal funds are ever used for legal fees or settlements.

Read the Parish Bulletin
Visit our Website

Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish

Rectory Office

on the campus of St. James Church

767 Elm Street, Rocky Hill


Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM

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Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish l The Catholic Community of Rocky Hill

Lisa Orchen