Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish,
On May 31, 2023, I received a letter from Archbishop Leonard Blair reappointing me to another six years as the Pastor of Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish. As I told our staff members: “If the mandatory retirement age remains at 75, this reappointment will take me right to the threshold of retirement.” By the grace of God, decent health and the assistance and understanding of parish members…I should be able to maintain a modicum of competence.
With this reappointment it has led me to various levels of reflection: 1. My gratitude for the blessing to be part of this vibrant faith community. 2. My gratitude for the decades of ministry as a priest. 3. My gratitude for the awesome staff and volunteers that make life a bit less stressful. 5. My gratitude for the mercy and encouragement that folks willingly give when I really mess up. 4. My gratitude for allowing me to share my faith with so many…the ability to drop a seed of hope here and there.
Talk about dropping a seed…this week marks the end of the school year for most school children and their teachers. It is a bittersweet experience for the teachers, I would suspect. On the one hand, they are delighted to have vacation time. But on the other hand, they will probably not see these children again. They have spent a whole year teaching them so many things and now they are gone. They may not see the fruit of their labor...the seed they have dropped.
But each year these same teachers go back to their careers with the same enthusiasm and energy. May they continue to impart all the knowledge they can, knowing, with faith, that their efforts are deeply appreciated, and their efforts will bear much fruit, albeit unseen for now. Thank you, all educators!
Peace and blessings!
Fr. George Couturier