Parish Picnic
We Need YOU!
Sunday, September 11th
Many hands make light work!
Planning for our annual Parish Picnic is well underway. The date has been set for Sunday, September 11, 2022. It will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our 5th Anniversary as Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish - the Catholic Community of Rocky Hill.
The Picnic is organized ahead of time by a group of “Team Captains” who coordinate groups of volunteers on the weekend of the picnic. Soon we will be inviting volunteers for the day but first we are looking for a few new "Team Captains." Please consider taking on a leadership role for one aspect of the Parish Picnic. You will be mentored by folks who have led before. Here is a list of the open positions:
Lunch Coordinator: Coordinate with West Side Market on the food order. Pick up supplemental food supplies at Sam’s or Costco the week before. Organize a group of volunteers the morning of the picnic to pack & label the lunch bags. Organize a group of volunteers to set out and distribute the lunch bags. Organize a few volunteers to prepare alternative lunches for those with dietary restrictions. Deliver leftover food to a local shelter at the end of the day.
Dessert Coordinator: Organize a group of volunteers to bake easy to serve desserts. Organize a group of volunteers to set up and distribute dessert after lunch. Package leftover dessert to be delivered to a local shelter at the end of the day.
Drink Coordinator: Shop for water, soda, soda alternatives to be served at the Picnic. Organize a group of volunteers to pick up ice the morning of the Picnic, chill all drinks with ice in coolers, set up drink stations and keep refreshed throughout the Picnic.
Bakhita Servers Coordinator: Organize a group of volunteers to serve as “waiters” for Picnic Participants who have mobility issues.
Trash & Recycle Coordinator: Set up and label trash and recycle receptacles the day of the Picnic. Circulate during the picnic & remove filled receptacles as needed. Organize delivery of recyclable containers.
Parking, Safety and Security Coordinator: Coordinate volunteers to direct cars in the parking lot prior to the Picnic. Set up caution tape around parts of the lawn that present trip hazards. Have a first aid kit on hand as needed.
Set up & Break Down Coordinator: Coordinate a group of volunteers to set up chairs and tables according to a pre-set diagram the day before and the morning of the Picnic. Coordinate volunteers to break down and put away tables and chairs at the end of the Picnic.
Children & Family Activities Coordinator: Work with a group of volunteers to plan, set up, supervise/facilitate child-friendly picnic games and activities.
If one of these leadership positions appeals to you, please email Bob Murray at