January 28, 2025

Winter News from Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish

January 28, 2025

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish,

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. It is rare that we celebrate it on a weekend. Actually, it is a rather old celebration in the life of the Church. It originated in Jerusalem during the late 300’s as a remembrance of the meeting of Jesus and the elder Anna and Simeon in the Temple.

On February 2nd each year, the Church celebrates this Feast of Jesus. Mary and Joseph, after the birth of Jesus, may have been homeless until some strangers, possibly shepherds, sheltered them. Nevertheless, shortly after the birth of their son, they brought Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem to dedicate him to God. Even through difficult times, God was still essential in their lives. An acknowledgement of HOPE. How could they be so hopeful in the face of such suffering?

The two elderly people—Simeon and Anna—were people of hope. They knew they had only a short time to live in this life. They spent a lot of time in the Temple. They hoped they would see the coming of the Messiah. They lived when the Romans occupied their land under the power of an authoritarian and the corruption of many (sounds familiar)…but they still hoped.

Suddenly they recognized the Messiah in the infant Jesus. Their hope was fulfilled. They knew they had experienced the blessing of God.

This very old feast reminds us of some very contemporary truths. First, just as Jesus immersed himself in the rituals of Judaism, we need the liturgy of the Church to shape our spirituality of hope. Secondly, the Lord’s call to conversion of life causes the rise and fall of many. Thirdly, we are called to carry the light of Christ into the corners of the world where we dwell. The light of Christ is the enduring promise that night and darkness will never have the last word. That HOPE will prevail.

I invite you to attend our Feast Day celebration called Candlemas at St. Elizabeth Seton at 6:00 PM Sunday evening February 2, 2025 for a celebration of light. Bring a candle to be blessed and then carried back to your home and your world….in HOPE.

Peace and blessings!

Fr. George Couturier

The Presentation of the Lord

February 2, 2025

4:00 PM Vigil at Saint James

9 AM at Saint Elizabeth Seton

& livestreamed

11:00 AM at Saint James

**Stay for coffee & conversation after the Sunday morning masses**

The Soup Pots are Coming Back

What will you be doing on Sunday, February 9, 2025?  Perhaps watching your big screen TV to see the Big Game namely the Super Bowl. Excitement is building as some favorites teams have a chance to make it to the Super Bowl this year but so is the excitement building between the Confirmation candidates in our first and second year program. They have been training in anticipation of our annual Souper Bowl of Caring event held annually on Super Bowl Weekend! Our Confirmation Candidates collect food items for our local food pantries and for our homeless shelter meals and will be asking for your help. Can you drop $1 or more in the soup pots they will be holding after all the masses on Super Bowl Weekend? Thank you for helping us tackle hunger!

Give Blood

The American Red Cross has launched a Severe Blood Shortage Appeal. All eligible donors are encouraged to schedule appointments now. The next drive hosted at our Parish Center at St. James Church is scheduled for Thursday, February 6, 2026 from 1PM-6PM. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or go to www.redcrossblood.org to register to give.

Greeters Needed!

An easy way to get more involved with the church in the new year is to become a greeter. Simply smile and greet people as they arrive and pass out bulletins after Mass. Greeters are needed at the 4:00PM Saturday vigil and the 11:00AM Sunday Mass, both at St. James. You can greet as often or as little as works for you. Please email ruschau@aol.com if you would like to join this important ministry.

Home Visits

Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are available to bring Holy Communion to our homebound parishioners and those recuperating from surgery or illness. Please contact the parish office to request a visit: 860-529-8655.

Have you recently had your child baptized? Do you know parents with very young children who would benefit from connecting with other new parents?

Watch this 3 minute video to learn more about Nurturing Seedlings and then share it!

Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish is excited to offer a very special opportunity for parents of children age birth to five, in our community. Nurturing Seedlings is designed to provide parents the support, encouragement and skills needed to nurture the spiritual life of their young children. The ministry also aims to build community among parents who are in the midst of raising babies, toddlers and preschoolers. The opportunity begins in late January under the leadership of Lori and Ken Gosselin. Learn more about how you can get involved by clicking the button below!

Learn More About Nurturing Seedlings Here

The Knights Will Take

the Penguins Plunge Again!

For the last several years members of our Knights of Columbus Council have committed to Special Olympics Annual Penguin Plunge. A chilling adventure to say the least! Might you want to “Dip Your Do Too"? 

Our “Penguins in the Knights” of Columbus Council 10651 are seeking young and old Penguin Participants” (Wet ones) and “Team Sponsors”! (Warm ones)!

Last year, only Willie and Mike became “BRIEFLY” wet, yet we all raised over $2,000 for their charity’s works. Wet or dry, you can help and we will welcome your support!

Click Here to Support the Knights Plunge

Mardi Gras Celebration

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

6:00 - 8:00 PM

St. James Parish Center

Join us for games, music, dancing and a potluck dinner to celebrate Mardi Gras! We will provide the traditional pancakes, you bring a potluck dish to share!

Call Joy at 860-529-8655 for more info or to volunteer to help!

There are signup sheets and suggested recipes in both church foyers and on SignUpGenuis.

Click Here To Sign Up to Attend

Daily Mass

Mon-8:30AM @ Seton

Tues-8:00AM @ St. James

Thur-8:00AM @ St. James

Fri-8:30AM @ Seton


First Thursdays

8:30AM @ St. James

Every Thursday

3:00PM @ St. James


Fr. George welcomes all to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM at St. Elizabeth Seton.

Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish

Rectory Office

on the campus of St. James Church

767 Elm Street, Rocky Hill


Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Read the Parish Bulletin
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Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish l The Catholic Community of Rocky Hill

Lisa Orchen