What we profess on Sunday is for the life we face on Monday and the rest of the week. This connection is central to living our faith. Our faith has its demands, as does everyday life. Bringing them together with focus and balance can be a challenge.
In our Catholic tradition those living in monasteries and cloisters have been living this challenge for over 15 centuries. They can offer us some wisdom that can make faith and life come together more fruitfully. Their lives may look different, but the challenges are familiar ones, and their thinking has much to offer us today.
Deacon Michael will be offering a five session Lenten series of reading and reflection on how the practical wisdom of our monastic brothers and sisters can help us to live our faith each day…looking into matters such as nature of authority, our attitudes, prayer life, commitments and possessions, serving others and being “religious.”
The series will meet on Wednesdays from February 21 through March 20. Sessions will meet in person at 10:00 AM at Saint James Parish Center and at 7:00 PM in Classrooms A&B at St. Elizabeth Seton Church. Remote online access to the evening sessions may be available…tell Deacon Michael if you are interested.
There is a fee of $15 to cover printed materials to be distributed at the initial session on February 21. Deacon Michael has a supply of materials directly available on a first come basis.
Registration required by email to Deacon Michael at saintjmdeacon@gmail.com or by calling the Office at 860-529-8655.