February 1, 2022
Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish,
Greetings and blessings!
I have always been a fan of the circus, especially the Cirque du Soleil, in recent years. I, especially, find clowns and their antics funny and exciting. I love the vibrant activity of multiple rings to be an attention-getter. But the thing that always impresses me the most is the ability of one trapeze artist who leaves the security of their swinging bar and to trust in another person that will grasp them safely in mid-air. That takes a lot of courage and trust.
I think this image of the trapeze artist is a good one for us to ponder as Christians living in a modern world. A world filled with challenges and concerns that require the same amount of faith, trust, and courage to respond whole-heartedly as a Christian. This weekend’s scripture readings provide a confirmation of that.
How much trust did Isaiah need to leave behind his security of his own images of the mighty God and trust that his unworthiness would be burned away so that he could say, “Here I am, send me”? How much did Paul have to have to leave behind this intellectually secure attitude of persecuting Christians and trust God’s grace to move him into a totally different life? And then how about the disciples in the Gospel. They had worked all night. They were content to call it a day and wash their nets. They were following the conventional wisdom of avoiding the “deep water.” Don’t we do the same? But like the trapeze artist they had to have courage to trust Jesus’ s call for more.
Our call to discipleship, in this modern age, is a call of taking the opportunity to risk the deep water, to risk our nets in the unknown, to risk flying off our bar and finally to follow Jesus into change and transformation. Let us pray, encourage, and nourish each other in taking the risk for greater life in Christ.
This week we celebrate the Feast of Saint Josephine Bakhita on Tuesday February 8, 2022. Josephine Bakhita serves as our parish patroness along with St. James and St. Elizabeth Seton. I truly believe we have been blessed by her patronage and example of faith lived. Please consider celebrating the Novena for St. Josephine Bakhita for the end of human trafficking. There is more information below in the e-newsletter. A very real moral concern that is right at our doorsteps.
I would also like to invite to join us on this Wednesday evening, February 2, at 7:00 p.m. either in person at St. James or online to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas) with evening prayer and the blessing of candles and blessing of throats. See below for more details - all are welcome!
Peace and blessings,
Fr. George Couturier
Evening Prayer for Candlemas
Blessing of Throats
Wednesday, February 2
7 PM - St. James & livestreamed
Join us in person or online for Evening Prayer. Through music, prayer, candlelight and ritual we will gather and celebrate Candlemas, also known as the Presentation of the Lord. We remember that Jesus Christ is the light to all the nations. Bring candles from home to be blessed as part of our service. For those who participate from home, set up a prayer space with candles! Candlemas Worship Aid: Click Here.
Fifth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
February 6, 2022
4 PM Vigil - St. James
9 AM - St. Elizabeth Seton & livestreamed
11 AM - St. James & livestreamed
*Masks are required in our worship spaces!*
Novena To End Human Trafficking
The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking is observed annually on February 8, on the Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, the patroness of survivors of human trafficking. The Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry (OCSJM) invites all of us to invoke her intercession for an end to human trafficking.
Printed copies of the Novena will be available in the foyers of St. James and St. Elizabeth Seton on the weekend February 5-6.
A written copy of the novena is also available for download HERE. Learn more about Human Trafficking, Click Here.
All members of the Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish community are invited to join in the faith activity for the month of February. Engage in a service project to help people in our local community. By engaging in service, children and adults alike live out the teachings of Jesus to love and serve one another, especially those most in need of our help. To learn more, Click Here. Please share a description and/or pictures of your service activity to the Faith Formation Office at reo@sjbrh.org.
“We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love, be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace.”
-Pope Francis
Saint Josephine Bakhita Confirmation Candidates Proudly Sponsor the 2022 Souper Bowl of Caring
February 12-13, 2022
In 1990, Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group:
“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.”
Since then, more than $150 million has been generated for local charities across the country through participation in the Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that transforms the time around the Big Game from one where 30 second commercials cost over 5 million dollars and a single ticket to the game costs over $3,000 to one of celebration of giving and caring.
Our Confirmation Preparation Program has a long standing tradition of participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring. You can get in the game and share God’s love by dropping a $1 or more in the Soup Pots as you leave church on Saturday, February 12 & Sunday, February 13. 100% of every dollar goes directly to ImmaCare Homeless Shelter meals.
Winter Glove Collection
Our Friends at ImmaCare, Inc. are in great need of extra warm winter gloves for the homeless community they serve in Hartford. Together we can help! Donations of warm winter gloves can be dropped off at either church location between now and February 14.
Label donations - "For Carl Bach."
Food & Cereal
For Our Local Pantries
We continue to seek food and cereal donations for our monthly delivery to the Rocky Hill and Amazing Grace food pantries. Non-perishable food items and cereal boxes can be dropped off at either church location:
St. James Church: Father Shea Hall, Mon - Fri (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) or before the masses at 4:00 or 11:00.
St. Elizabeth Seton Church: Bins located near the kitchen, Mon - Fri (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) or before the Sunday mass at 9:00.
Winter Clothing
The Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish Winter Clothing Collection continues through the coming weeks. We accept Winter Clothing in clean, good to excellent condition. Place donations in the collection bin in the front foyer of St. James Church (behind the divider). Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept household goods.
St. James Church: Father Shea Hall, Mon - Fri (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) or before the masses at 4:00 or 11:00.
Blood Donors Needed
The American Red Cross has launched a Severe Blood Shortage Appeal. All eligible donors are encouraged to schedule appointments now. The next drive hosted at our Parish Center at St. James Church is scheduled for Thursday, February 10 from 1PM-6PM. Go to www.redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS to register to give.
Parish Trip to Haiti in 2019. Joe is third from the left.
During the month of February we will be highlighting Our Haitian Promise. Our parish established a "twinned" relationship with the parish of Saint Anne in Saintard, Haiti in March, 2001. Saint Anne Church, established in 1958, is a parish of over 3000 people, located on the coast just north of Port-au-Prince. Our first segment comes from longtime parishioner, Joe Clarizio.
If you are like I was, your first thought of Haiti was “Oh, that’s where they had that earthquake,” or “Didn’t they get hit by a really bad hurricane?.” Or maybe you donated some money or bought some craft items that were made there.
During my time in Haiti I visited an orphanage, The Missionaries of Charity, several businesses providing employment, and a mountain ecological preserve. I visited a retreat center on the seashore where they provide spiritual healing and develop programs to help people support themselves financially. What stood out to me at all these places was that everyone had hope. Everyone we met was doing the best they could to help others have a decent life. This is no small task as there is a lack of opportunity and resources everywhere in Haiti and the government is perpetually dysfunctional.
I also spent a weekend at St. Anne’s where Fr. Johnson and his staff are doing an amazing job of not only running a parish but also constructing several chapels throughout the area.
I now have a completely different view of Haiti. This is a country of beautiful mountains and seashores. It is a country of resilient people who just need hope and a hand up. I heard it said while I was there that when Haitians see us it gives them hope because it shows that someone cares.
I would highly recommend an immersion trip to anyone that is interested. Your view of Haiti will change forever and you will have brought a little hope to some people who desperately need it.
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday: 8:30am-St. Elizabeth Seton
Tuesday: 8:00am-St. James
Thursday: 8:00am-St. James
Friday: 8:30am-St. Elizabeth Seton
Fr. George welcomes all to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM at St. Elizabeth Seton.
Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish
Rectory Office
on the campus of St. James Church
767 Elm Street, Rocky Hill
Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 2:30PM
Saint Josephine Bakhita Parish
767 Elm Street
Rocky Hill, CT 06067