The Third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called "Gaudete Sunday." The Latin word "gaudete" means "rejoice." The scriptures are flush with encouragement to prepare for the coming of the Lord with joy, hope and gratitude. We light the pink candle on our Advent wreath to remind us of this invitation to be joyful.
Many popular Advent customs foster prayerful rejoicing. The music ministry of St. Josephine Bakhita Parish is hosting a beautiful Festival of Lessons and Carols service on Sunday, December 15 at 4:00 PM at St. James Church. Everyone is welcome to attend, pray and sing with joy.
However you do it, enter into joy. Sing, even if you think your voice worthy only of the shower stall. And if your heart aches and joy is nowhere to be found, in quiet contemplation, let creation do the singing for you:
A rhapsody of praise to Mystery
resounds, reverberates
inviting disparate, lonely mortals
to kinship with the Author of the universe.
whose hand emblazoned in the stars
is also writ in breath and bone and sinew.
But do not miss the nearer grace:
the universe within a seed,
a child’s laugh,
a sunlit wave,
our DNA.
Creation’s glorious music moves
in rhythms sensed, not seen,
as restless atoms join to sing
the Maker’s hymn to Love enfleshed,
our joy, Jesus, the Christ.
by Suzanne Gagné Bregman
Inspired by a poem by Donald H. Knapp
Our parish community will be marking the days through Advent with a variety of prayer opportunities, devotions, and celebrations. You can learn about them below. All are invited to join the journey. We wish you every joy and blessing this Advent Season.
Lisa M. Orchen, M.Div.
Communications Coordinator
Text by Lisa M. Orchen, M.Div., edited by Suzanne Gagne Bregman, M.A., used with permission.