Greetings and blessings!
Rarely does the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord fall on a weekend. We are blessed that this powerful and inspiring Feast is this weekend during the heat of August. In the event we have come to call Jesus’ “transfiguration,” the three disciples actually realize the divinity—the very life and love of God—that exists within the person of Jesus. It seems to me, that we are reminded the the same hint of divinity exists within each one of us, as well: God present within us, animating us to do wonderful, holy things; guiding our steps as we try to walk justly and humbly in the ways of God; enlightening our vision with wisdom and selflessness to bring hope and mercy of God to our world.
Here a few moments (among many) of transfigurations that I see occurring all around me:
The recently married couple who transform into nurturing and generous parents, sharing their patience, enduring love, wonder and faith with their newborn child.
The person stricken by critical illness who still offers strength, wisdom, and kindness to those they encounter each day.
The young ones who discover for the first time a special talent, skill or insight that impacts the world around them.
What are those transfiguring moments you have witnessed in the past weeks? Name them and relish the moment of meeting a hint and clue of the holy, sacred, and divine entering our daily lives.
The challenge of discipleship is to allow the love of God within us to “transfigure” despair into hope, sadness into joy, anguish into healing, estrangement into community. May the ultimate gift of Jesus’ transfiguring power model the holy that is within us…to do good, to build peace, to make our world a better place for all…to see the Kingdom of God revealed.
Fr. George Couturier