The Gospel story this coming Sunday recounts Jesus meeting his disciples on the road to Emmaus. Just as Jesus drew near and walked with the disciples, Jesus continually draws near and accompanies us on our path of life. Sometimes we see him right away and welcome his company. Other times, like the two disciples, our eyes are prevented from recognizing his presence. Nevertheless, Jesus persists in making himself known to us.
The disciples’ response to Jesus is “Stay with us” (Luke 24:29). And he does, just not in the way they expect. First, he unpacks the Scriptures with them. Next, as he did at the Last Supper, he gives his real presence in the bread they share when they sit down at the table to eat together. So it is with us, every time we gather around our community table, the altar, Jesus stays with us. He becomes truly present under the appearance of bread and wine. We receive him into our very bodies, hearts, and souls.
As we journey through these Easter days, aglow with joy, God unceasingly pleads with us to “remain close.” That can be done through keeping up the spiritual disciplines practiced throughout Lent. We can also remain close through being fully present at the celebration of the Eucharist, where Jesus draws near to us and invites us to spiritual union: communion.
We continue to bask in the joy of Easter. Our photo gallery of Holy Week is now loaded up with pictures of all our celebrations, especially the Easter Vigil. Special thanks go out to parishioner, Bill Betterini, for so generously and skillfully serving as our photographer on Holy Saturday.